Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Dam Site Campground, Greers Ferry Lake

On Tuesday, July 18th Donna and I went to Dam Site Campground on Greers Ferry lake for a few days with the Matt, Sarah and the girls. We initially had reservations for three days in campsites H16 and H17 (one for Matt and one for our trailer). Upon arrival we were warned by the gate attendant of how close the area was but I was sure that we would fit in a 40' site. What we found was that Loop H road to the site was a twisting narrow one lane and the site was tight in the trees. We did like the site so we squeezed the trailer around the trees and got is situated just how we wanted. That's when I realized that we had not filled our fresh water tank. After debating making 10 trips to the water hydrant with the 5 gallon jerrycan to fill the fresh water holding tank we decided to pull out and and take the trailer around to a hydrant. That's where the trouble started. We found a water hydrant at the first bath house outside Loop H. I pulled the trailer into the parking lot across the parking spots parallel to the road. Looking for the hydrant I hadn't noticed that the edge of the asphalt dropped off at a culvert and into the ditch the front left tire of the truck went. We were high centered on the running board with the front left tire in the air and 4 tons of trailer behind. Luckily I was going really slow and felt it when it went I rolled over the edge.  A good Samaritan from the camp across the street came over to help me with the situation. He and I got my 2x6 leveling ramps and placed them under the front tire. I put the GMC in granny low and she pulled right out no worse for the wear. However, I couldn't say the same for Donna and we didn't return to campsite H17. After filling the fresh water tank at a different hydrant we drove back to the gate attendant and changed to the more suitable loop N sites N18 and N19. These sites had no view of the lake, but they we simple to park and had water hookups (didn't need fresh water!). 

The weather was hot so we planned some cool outings for the trip. On Wednesday we drove to Blanchard Springs Caverns. We had all been to the caverns in years past but never taken the Discovery Trail cave tour.  This is the longer tour at about 1.2 miles with about 750 stair steps. At 58 degrees inside the cave it was a great choose for a 95 degree day.


Soda Straw Room on the Discovery Trail Tour

Group Camping Area at Blanchard Springs Campground
Thursday it was time for another cool activity. We rented a party barge from the Dam Site Marina. This was such a hit last summer at Shiloh Campground we just could pass it up ...and renting someone else's boat is always better than owning a boat.
Captain Ron
Captain Ron's First Mate
The Crew
The Crew

We found someones lost anchor rope and tied up for a swim / float. 

The highlight of party barge day was tubing. Addie was the champion able to hang on with all I threw at her.
Zoey Ready for a Pull

For some reason we didn't get any pictures of the campsite(s). Maybe it was just the trauma associated with getting setup that we didn't want to remember; or, maybe it was just too hot to take pictures. 

H17 - The site we abandoned  (Recreation.gov Website photo)
N18 - Our Final Site (Recreation.gov Website photo - Not our trailer)
We had a great time but I think maybe we are just ready for some Fall camping!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Petit Jean State Park

July 10, 2017 Brayden and I went to Petit Jean State Park for what was to be a two day getaway for just the guys. We drove up on Monday afternoon to our favorite camp ground. We setup on campsite A11 in area A which has the majority of the AAA campsites at Petit Jean. 
Brayden at Campsite A11 with Lake Bailey in the Background
The first order of business was to find the swimming pool and go cool off. We had a great time swimming. Brayden is just learning to swim and has become fearless in the water.  After sending pictures of the pool to Donna it became apparent that this was no longer going to be an all guys trip. 
After a hard afternoon of swimming we decided that we didn't want to go to the trouble of cooking dinner. So being the hard core campers we are we went to the Mather Lodge restaurant for dinner. Great Ruben sandwich with fresh made potato chips for Poppie and Brayden had his favorite - chicken strips.  He was afraid that two strips wouldn't be enough until they arrived. They were huge but he managed to consume them, some of the potato chips,  a fruit cup and a single serving of orange sherbet. He said that the had never had sherbet before and loved it. He did however save room for pie. Possum pie. We shared a slice of possum pie that was so good Brayden said "I have to eat it really slow to make it last forever!"


After dinner we went on a ride in the truck around Red Bluff drive to see the sunset from the M.A. Richter Memorial Overlook. In the background to the West you see Mount Nebo and in the far distance Mount Magazine.

On Tuesday Donna and Hannah showed up. We had burgers grilled waiting on them when they arrived. After a late lunch we all headed for the swimming pool. It was too hot to do much else.

We decided to stay another night, but the campsite we were in was not available so we packed up and moved to another spot on Loop A. Site A5 was a pull through closer to the highway up in the pine trees.

Everyone enjoys a little hammock time and there were plenty of trees to hang out on.
After moving on Wednesday Brayden, Hannah and I took a trip to buy Brayden a new bathing suit (Donna got quiet time). On the way we made a stop by Petit Jean's gravesite and took a few pictures. We found Brayden a new American flag bathing suit at the Dollar General in Oppelo. The DG always comes through in a pinch.
Petit Jean Gravesite Overlook

Petit Jean Gravesite Overlook

Petit Jean Gravesite
We were back in the pool for Wednesday afternoon. It was just to hot and humid for anything else.

Wednesday night we decided to go back to Mather Lodge again for dinner. No need to heat up the camper or stand at a grill when the  Mather Lodge restaurant is just 2 minutes down the road. Great dinner again with a view of the Cedar Creek valley outside the window.