Friday, September 2, 2016

Brady Mountain Recreation Area

On September 2, 2016 Donna and I took a trip to Brady Mountain on Lake Ouachita near Royal Arkansas for a three day Labor Day weekend. We left Russellville as soon as Donna got off work and headed to Brady Mountain. We drove through Morrilton and down highway 9 to Crows, then west on highway 5 to what we thought was a shortcut. We took Garmin's recommendation to follow Harris Road, a one lane road that before reaching highway 70 dropped down through a cobblestone creek wash. With no way to backup I put the truck in 4 wheel drive and drove the trailer and all through the little creek. Harris Road then popped up on the Owensville Cuttoff we should have been using down to highway 70.

We arrived just before dark and found site #46 on the point at the far end of the park. The park was full for Labor Day weekend with a constant line of boats coming in and out of the marina breakwater behind our campsite.

Saturday morning Donna put together roast, potatoes and carrots in the Crockpot to slow cook while we spend the day in Hot Springs.

Lunch downtown at a little Italian restaurant called Angels. Donna noticed the 3D art in the restaurant that I walked right under and took the picture below. It is an Italian lady flinging a table cloth out the of a window.

Back at the campground in the evening we enjoyed our crock-pot roast dinner then went out on the point to watch the sunset. 
Bubba and His Sweetheart on the Park Bench
Crystal Clear Lake Water
Weather was cool for an Arkansas Labor Day and we enjoyed the evening with a campfire. Power went out for several hours in the entire campground and surrounding area. We just sat around the campfire and enjoyed the evening. Opened all the windows in the camper to get ready for bed and thank you Entergy the power came back. 

View from the Brady Mountain Overlook.

Came home Labor Day afternoon through Benton to highway 5. Donna drove for a while around Perry on highway 9 to get a feel of pulling 4 tons of trailer and gear through the mountains. She is now qualified to tow anywhere!

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