Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Old Highway 25 Park

March 17, 2017
Drove to Old Highway 25 Park on Friday, March 17th by myself to beat the spring break rush. I arrived at about 2:30 and the campground was already starting to fill up.  A large church youth group from New Life Church had claimed about a half dozen sites on the point of campground G where we previously camped in 2015. Matt left from work with his trailer and finished setting up his camp across from my site #G9. (I didn't save it because that would be against the rules ... I "set up" his gear including my truck and a lawn chair.) 

Red Dot is Old Highway 25 Park Campsite G9
Sarah came out later with Addie, Lily and Zoey. The girls had their bags packed and stayed the night with Pops. Matt and Sarah went home for a quiet evening. Mine was anything but quiet! 

Saturday morning I had a big breakfast with the girls. Biscuits, sausage and scrambled eggs. This was my first time to successfully bake anything in the oven. The biscuits were actually good. 

Donna came up Saturday. Matt and Sarah returned as well. 

Spent some time fishing with Addie, Lily and Zoey.

The water was clear and cold

Saturday night Lily got our first campfire roaring. Hot dogs with S'mores for desert!

Sunday night we had to put up a sunscreen during dinner because the sun was so intense. This provided the perfect stage backdrop for the after dinner show featuring DJ Donna and Zoey.

Tour of Campground B to see the swimming area and boat ramp.
Swimming Area
View across to Damn Site Marina
Boat Launch Area

Playing a little evening game of Chuck'O.

Sunset on Monday evening. Last night at Old Highway 25 Park. 
My photo doesn't do it justice.

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