Monday, May 7, 2018

Petit Jean State Park

May 7, 2018 Petit Jean State Park
Pretty much missed all spring camping. I spent the spring finishing my outage project at ANO and retired for the second time. Then we focused on our vacation to Spain and Italy. Finally home last week we de-winterizing the trailer and took a camping trip. On short notice we reserved campsite A10 at Petit Jean State Park. For us it is only a 45 minute drive to one of our favorite spots for in Arkansas. Arriving on Monday as is possible for retired folks the Park was a quiet relaxing place. 
Campsite A10
Airstrip Across Lake Bailey from the Campground
A trip to Petit Jean is not complete without a walk down the boardwalk to the Cedar Falls Overlook.

Stopped for some pictures of the falls at the Davies Bridge over Cedar Creek.
Drove on from the Davies Bridge to Winthrop Rockefeller Institute
Dinner at the Mather Lodge restaurant is always as treat when you get tired of cooking. We seem to tire of cooking every time we camp at Petit Jean.
The weather had been pretty warm but in the evening temperatures dropped and a breeze came up on top of the mountain. A nice evening for a campfire and some music.

Our older neighbors from Mountain View had their blue grass festival (Honky-Tonk) lights going all night. 

Our campsite A10 had a view of Lake Bailey but no mid-day shade. We need to try and reserve sites along the shore of Lake Bailey for the best view. The lakeside spots are hard to reserve on short notice.

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