Monday, September 27, 2021

Petit Jean State Park

 September 27, 2021

Donna and I wanted to take an early fall camping trip so we decided to take the short drive to Petit Jean State Park. Campsites at Petit Jean State Park in loop A are hard to come by on less than one month notice, but we found three nights available for site #14. We arrived on Monday for a mid week stay as us retired folks tend to do. This site was close to Lake Baily at the northwest corner of loop A near the yurts.

After we setup camp we drove to the west end of the park 
on highway 154 to watch the sunset at Palisades Overlook. The overlook was recently remodeled with a larger viewing area built with concrete and stone masonry consistent with other structures in Petit Jean State Park.
Evening at the Campsite

Tuesday we had no real plans. We spent the day just hanging around camp.

Wednesday morning Donna and I went for a short hike to Bear Cave. Bear Cave trail is only about 1/4 mile long loop. The trail winds around and through some huge rock formations overlooking the Cedar Creek drainage. The rocks can be seen to the west above Cedar Creek from the back of Mather Lodge
In the afternoon we had Sherry, Kerry and mom come up from Little Rock for a cookout. I took mom on a truck ride around the Red Bluff Drive to see the overlooks of the river valley. 
Mather Lodge from the Bear Cave Trail
The Needle’s Eye
Panorama from the Top of the Boulders

Thursday morning before leaving we drove to the Petit Jean gravesite at Stout's Point. Although a little cloudy while we were there it's a great view of the Arkansas River valley.
We ended our Thursday morning tour at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute.  Donna had to go see her favorite cows on the farm.

We had a great few days with fair weather. We missed much of the forecast rain and temperatures were a little warmer than the previous weeks cool spell. We always enjoy our time one the mountain. 

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