Monday, September 5, 2022

Devil's Den State Park

We took a week in early September to camp with John and Lynda at Devil's Den State Park. We arrived on a Monday and stayed through Friday in sites #60 and #64 on the outside of the loop across from the baseball field. Donna and I stayed in site #60 and John and Lynda took #64. Other than a light sprinkle of rain on the way to the park we had great weather. Lee Creek runs just behind the campsites on this loop. With little to no rain the creek was pretty low.
Site #60

Site #64

Our first evening John and I were sitting outside at his campsite and a ranger drove by slowly, then backed up and got out. He started questioning us about when we arrived. Turns out that when I checked in the visitor center had written the departure date on John's hang tag incorrectly. Not paying much attention to the writing on the tags we just hung them on our posts. John’s tag showed us departing on the day we arrived. I wasn't able to prove any different as I had requested the receipt be emailed and we had zero internet signal. The ranger believed our story (probably checked it later) and wrote John out a new hang tag. I guess unregistered campsite squatters is a problem.
Large Head Photo at John's Camper
Sunset Over the Baseball Field

Besides getting out on the trails for some scenic hiking I was particularly excited about getting my drone in the air and taking some pictures and video. This trip would be my first time to fly in an Arkansas State Park. After some research, then back and forth with the Arkansas State Parks staff in Little Rock I was issued a permit to fly at Lake Devil and Lee Creek near the day use area and at the Yellow Rock Trail Overlook.
On Tuesday morning I got out early and went to the day use area to put the drone in the air. I was the only person in the area with the exception of a few folks that appeared on the opposite side of the dam from the trails. Lake Devil was so still it looked like glass. Below are photos that I took from near the dam and suspension foot bridge. See the end of this post for a short movie made with these pictures and some drone video.
Lake Devil Dam

Donna unveiled the latest southern culinary trend. She replaced the "charcuterie tray" with the new "snackle box".

Wednesday morning I hiked the 2.2 mile Yellow Rock Trail loop to the Yellow Rock Overlook from the shelter on highway 170. Yellow Rock Trail was built by the CCC in the 1930's and is considered a moderately strenuous route. From the Yellow Rock Overlook there was a great view of Lee Creek and the surrounding valley.

Wednesday evening we decided to take a road trip. We drove to Moranos in Fayetteville for dinner where Brick Fields was playing. It was a great night of "blues therapy”.

Thursday afternoon John and I went for a hike around the Devil's Den Trail. The trial makes 1.6 mile loop past large rock formations, bluffs and what should have been a waterfall and creek at the bridge, but lack of rain had everything dried up. The trail was considered moderately challenging due to the steps and elevation changes.
Dry Waterfall

Evening at the campsite was a time to relax and chill. Coco does not seem to chill in the hammock.

Just behind and below our campsites was Lee Creek. Our previous trip to Devil's Den the creek was running fast enough that we could hear it from our campsite. Still a pretty creek at the lower summer level.

Below is an iMovie compilation of photos and video from the week at Devil's Den.

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