Sunday, October 30, 2022

Petit Jean State Park

Last trip of 2022 we stayed at the newly remodeled camping area B at Petit Jean State Park. Completed in the summer of 2022 camping area B now has full hookups on completely new parking pads and services including a new bathhouse. The area is opened up considerably with much of the tall pines removed and the grass areas sodded. We stayed 5 nights in site #59 which is the first site on the left as you enter the campground. John and Lynda joined us for the week just around the loop in site # 52.
Entrance to Area B with Site #59 on the Left
Revised Map with New Area B 
The first night at Petit Jean was on my birthday so Donna and I went to the Mather Lodge restaurant for dinner to celebrate. We had a great dinner and the birthday hot fudge brownie was so big most of it went back to the camper.

Monday morning I got up before sunrise and drove to Stout's Point on the east end of Petit Jean mountain overlooking the Arkansas river to see the sunrise. Several others soon assembled at the overlook area for the same reason. There was a quiet reverence in the crowd with only whispers between people as the sun began to rise and everyone took in the Zen moment. A beautiful start to the first day of my 65th trip around the sun.

Down the road directly behind the campsite was the entrance to someone's private land and cabin. I liked the the special touch of the coach lamps on the trees at the entrance.
John and Lynda's site #59 
Donna and Coco

Wednesday morning we got out for a little hike around the Bear Cave Trail. The trail takes you on a loop around a sandstone rock outcrop above Cedar Creek. The rocks form numerous cracks and crevasses to explore including the Eye of the Needle between the huge rocks. The rocks can be seen down Cedar Creek valley from Mather Lodge. 
Bear Cave
Before returning to the campsite we stopped at Mather Lodge. In the picture below you can see the rock outcrop at Bear Cave Trail to the left side of the valley near the top of the ridge.
Late afternoon I took a walk across the highway to the area behind the overflow camping at Lake Bailey. I heard an eagle calling from the east end of Lake Bailey and was able to see him swoop down to catch his dinner. 
Airplane Leaving Petit Jean Airport

Thursday morning I was hoping to fly my drone at Stouts Point. Unable to get a permit in time from the Arkansas State Parks I settled for launching from highway 154. From a pullout on the highway I flew up to view Stout's Point from a distance and captures some photos and video. Later I drove to Stout's Point for a few photos from the ground around the remains of College Lodge. 

Thursday morning we walked around Lake Bailey behind the Visitor Center to the boathouse area and fishing pier.
Thursday afternoon we all went for a drive around Petit Jean mountain. We drove through grounds of the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute then took the Red Bluff Drive stopping at the M.A. Richter Memorial overlook and on to Cedar Falls Overlook. We took in the sunset at the Palisades Overlook on the west end of the mountain.
Cedar Falls Overlook
M.A. Richter Memorial Overlook
Palisades Overlook
After the sunset we stopped for a walk behind the overflow camping area.
John & Ronnie Reflection in Lake Bailey
We alternated responsibilities for dinner each night. This evening John grilled some tasty salmon on his Blackstone grill for our last dinner at Petit Jean. By the time we got back to the campsite John was grilling in the dark.
Grill Master John at Work
I went outside to check the perimeter at 11:30 P.M. No flashlight was required. The night sky was bright with a near full moon that lit up the park. We had great fall weather the entire week.

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